Use of this Site
This website is owned by J&T Recycling Corporation. The content of this website is protected by the Copyright Act, various treaties and other laws in Japan and other countries. Before using this website, please read the following conditions of use and only use this website if you agree to these conditions.
- Scope of Use
- Browsing, using, and partial downloading of the information on this website is granted within the range permissible for private and non-commercial use. However, this excludes use of technologies patented (including patent-pending technologies) by J&T Recycling Corporation. The partial or total copying, modification, distribution, sending, publication, or posting of this information outside the permissible range is prohibited. The right to use the logos and trademarks displayed on this website is not granted. Any illegal use of the content of this website is in violation of the Copyright Act, Trademark Act, Civil Code and Penal Code.
- Change
- J&T Recycling Corporation may change the information posted on this website without notice. Moreover, the operation of the website may be interrupted or stopped. J&T Recycling Corporation may change the information on this website at any time for any reason. However, J&T Recycling Corporation accepts no responsibility for any losses resulting from the updating of this website, delays in the updating of this website, or interruptions or stoppages of the operation of this website.
- Linked Sites
- To improve convenience for customers, J&T Recycling Corporation sometimes provides links from this website to third party sites other than J&T Recycling Corporation. Note, however, that these websites are managed at the responsibility of the relevant third parties and are not under control of J&T Recycling Corporation. If you choose to visit these websites, please be aware that you bear full responsibility for any consequences. J&T Recycling Corporation in no way guarantees or accepts responsibility for the content, products, or services of linked websites or any losses resulting from the use of linked websites. When J&T Recycling Corporation receives information from customers making inquiries, it prefers that the information not be confidential in nature or protected intellectual property. When customers agree to send information, J&T Recycling Corporation assumes that the information provided is not confidential in nature or intellectual property. J&T Recycling Corporation assumes that customers who provide information when making inquiries understand and accept that they cannot delete the information and materials they provide to J&T Recycling Corporation, and that J&T Recycling Corporation may use such information and materials globally without royalty, and may exhibit, execute, send, and distribute the same without restriction. J&T Recycling Corporation can freely develop or execute any ideas, concepts, and know-how provided by customers.*
*This provision is prepared to avoid various misinterpretations and controversies that may occur when an idea provided by a customer may be similar to an unpublished idea that is originally devised through daily sales activity or research activity, etc., within J&T Recycling Corporation. Any information related to a customer's address, name, or contact information will of course be respected. - Disclaimer
- J&T Recycling Corporation exercises great caution when posting information on this website. Note, however, that much of the information on this website is provided on an 'as-is' basis and may include factual errors and typos. J&T Recycling Corporation does not guarantee the operation of this website, the accuracy or correctness of the information posted on this website, the timely updating of this website, conformance with the purpose of use, or the non-violation of the rights of third parties, etc. Moreover, J&T Recycling Corporation does not accept responsibility for any losses resulting from the use of this website.
All information related to companies, products, and the prices of products on this website is provided in consideration of the convenience of customers. The information provided on this website is not provided for the purpose of promoting sales or meeting compulsory conditions of any type. Please note that no information on this website constitutes the content of any contracts entered into by our company. - Applicable Law and Competent Court
- The use of this website and the interpretation and application of these conditions of use comply with the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. For all conflicts related to the use of this website, the Tokyo District Court is set as the dedicated competent court of the first instance unless another court or judicial or mediating agency is otherwise designated.
- Contact Information
For inquiries about Personal Information, please contact us below.
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